Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Book Chapter Published: Impact assessment of seed village scheme in some villages of Jharkhand

My previous work in B.Sc. got published in the book Rural Development: Emerging Challenges in the New Millennium. It is jointly edited by Dr. Santanu Rakshit and Dr. Rathindra Nath Pramanik and published by Abhijeet Publications.
You can avail the book by ordering at http://bit.ly/1wVcagR
Correct citation is

Sarkar, R. (2014) Impact assessment of seed village scheme in some villages of Jharkhand. In Rakshit, S. and Pramanik, R.N. (Eds.) Rural Development: Emerging Challenges in the New Millennium. Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi. [ISBN: 978-93-5074-129-0]